SPD Gazette

Issue One
Week of September 11, 2006

The NYS SBDC has been thinking about, planning, and taking action on strategic objectives for several years. In 1998, the Central Office assembled more than 200 suggestions from staff at all levels in the network and organized them for discussion. A lengthy strategic planning document captured the result of discussions between staff around the state.

Between 2002 and 2005, the program’s Strategic Planning Committee separated the document into tactical and strategic planning documents. In early 2006, the program assembled an SPD (Strategic Planning Deployment) Work Group to evaluate and improve the process of deployment throughout the network and action plans developed and implemented.

SPD Work Group
The SPD Work Group was challenged to engage all levels of the program to assure interaction, participation and interest; inform all staff about the strategic goals, accomplishments and interrelationship of activities; and gather, analyze and employ results information to achieve an environment of continuous improvement. The Work Group is composed of regional center directors and the Associate State Director.
The Work Group agreed to develop and implement two new mechanisms to facilitate the dissemination of information about the strategic objectives, action plans, metrics, and results. The process will include compilation of a newsletter distributed via email and development and maintenance of a Web-based system accessible anytime and from anywhere.

Tracking Strategic Plan Deployment

The Strategic Plan Committee will collect and share information about activities conducted in pursuit of strategic objectives, for example conducting a workshop for a targeted group. A weekly email will be sent from Central to the Regional Centers, with a copy of the new Weekly Report form, as a reminder to staff to share information with their colleagues. The Regional Directors will compile information from their center and send it to Central. This information will be shared via the SPD Gazette
About the Gazette

The SPD Gazette is a brief newsletter distributed via email and posted on the Internal Web Site. It will feature a column to be titled, What’s New This Week, in which the network will share best practices in strategic objectives. A series of articles in the Gazette will explain the program’s statewide approach to strategic objectives in six key areas:

• Marketing
• Professional Development and Certification
• Program Development: Products and Services
• Special Objectives (statewide implications)
• Strategic Partners and Alliances
• Technology, Information and Communication

For more information or answers to your questions, call Tom Morley at 914-375-2107or email him at TMorley@Mercy.edu

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