SPD Gazette

Issue 2
Week of September 18, 2006


The topic of the week is marketing – one of the six core concepts of our Strategic Plan. The strategy is to:

Effectively communicate the products, services, successes, rewards and benefits of the SBDC to clients, stakeholders, sponsors and host institutions to enhance awareness and utilization of SBDC services in support of small business and entrepreneurship.

The Objectives:

  • Promote the NYS SBDC as the first choice for business management and technical assistance services generating successful outcomes for small businesses and entrepreneurs, underlining the collaboration with sponsors and host institutions to support local communities.
  • Keep partners and allies informed about NYS SBDC to facilitate coordinated service delivery with the SBDC.
  • Develop fact sheets, news articles, columns, video, advertisements, and PSAs, and participate in interviews, forums, and similar activities, in local and statewide settings, to deliver the message of the SBDC to targeted communities as well as the general population.
  • Find the sponsors and funds to support outreach programs to promote the NYS SBDC.

What's New This Week

Professional Development and Staff Retention
In May, the top advisors of the year were recognized at the annual staff development conference. In addition, a new award, the Leading by Example award, was presented for the first time to an advisor who does a consistently outstanding job in mentoring the other advisors at his center.

Special Projects
The Albany SBDC and HSBC co-sponsored a successful workshop on international finance and proposed that the workshop be offered to SBDC advisors as a regional staff development opportunity.

The Albany SBDC is discussing future international trade-related activities with the local Global Trade Network, a result of the successful US-China Trade Conference held by the NYS SBDC in April.

NYS SBDC Marketing Committee

As you may know, the program has an active marketing committee that has worked with various centers to develop tools for the network, including audio and video spots, a generic brochure with space for center-specific details, and a print ad that can be customized for regional newspapers. The Committee Chair is Eric Constance ( Watertown), and current members include Bill Brigham ( Albany), Arnaldo Sehwerert (Mid-Hudson), Al Titone (York-Queens), and Lucille Wesnofske (Farmingdale). If you have any ideas to help promote the SBDC in New York, contact Eric, or any of the Committee members.
About the Gazette

The SPD Gazette is a brief newsletter distributed via email and posted on the Internal Web Site. It will feature a column to be titled, What’s New This Week, in which the network will share best practices in strategic objectives. A series of articles in the Gazette will explain the program’s statewide approach to strategic objectives in six key areas:

• Marketing
• Professional Development and Certification
• Program Development: Products and Services
• Special Objectives (statewide implications)
• Strategic Partners and Alliances
• Technology, Information and Communication

For more information or answers to your questions, call Tom Morley at 914-375-2107or email him at TMorley@Mercy.edu

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