SPD Gazette

Week of December 18, 2006
Issue 15

Individual Objectives – SBDC Objectives

Management by Objectives, or MBO as it is sometimes called, is a concept expressed by Peter Drucker more than 50 years ago. MBO is a management strategy that uses the S.M.A.R.T. goals to manage teams based on their ability to complete individual and team goals. Every organization has strategic objectives that can be defined with the acronym S.M.A.R.T.

Specific – they should describe specifically the result that is desired.
Measurable - it should be very clear whether the objective is met - or not.
Achievable – is it possible to reach the objective?
Realistic - recognize factors which can not be controlled.
Timely - the final anchor in making the objective real and tangible.

When SBDC developed its SMART objectives, the program took its first step toward attaining its goals. What is the next step in the process? Keep the goals in mind and focus on them on a daily basis. Review them at regular intervals for relevance in terms of the SBDC mission. To achieve our business objectives, we need to take ownership of what we do, we need to integrate learning into our everyday work, and we need to learn how to use new tools and disciplines to help us stay focused. Technology is a key element to helping us be more productive and efficient, individually and as an organization.

Here are a few questions to consider and discuss with your co-workers:

  • How many of us have a personal mission statement and have defined our personal objectives? You may have one mission for your personal life and another for your work life. Think about what you want to achieve in your work life.
  • How do you help SBDC meet its objectives – to provide the best business advisement possible and meet the needs of entrepreneurs and small business owners in NYS?
  • Are your goals – the ones you set and the ones your supervisor sets – realistic and achievable? Are they specific and measurable?
  • How do your individual objectives relate to SBDC’s objectives? What can you do to bring them more in line with each other?

“The true potential of an organization can only be realized when the productivity level of all individuals and teams are fully aligned, committed and energized to successfully accomplish the goals of the organization.”

- Insight Communications, January 2004

What's New This Week


A Business Advisor from the Pace SBDC was featured in a weekly series of articles about “Cómo iniciar su propio negocio” (“How to start your own business”) that appeared in El Diario/La Prensa between December 4 and December 8, 2006. The topics included Analice primero sus finanzas” (Analyze your personal finances); Investigue el mercado objetivo” (Research your target market); “Escriba un ‘Plan de Negocio” (Write a Business Plan); “Solicite asistencia financiera” (Finding assistance to get funded); “Es difícil, pero se puede”(It is not easy but you can do it). In addition, the same Business Advisor was interviewed live on a TV program called “Contacto” which appeared on the Spanish-language cable network La Familia Cosmovision on December 6th. The Advisor spoke about SBDC services and SBA programs.

In December 2005, representatives of the Canton SBDC met with the President of Governeur Savings and Loan and two commercial loan officers to discuss partnership opportunities. The meeting resulted in a better understanding of the type of commercial loan projects that would interest GS&L. GS&L had a refresher on SBDC services and the funding that supports the SBDC program. GS&L stated that they are interested in sponsoring an SBDC training event and requested information about upcoming workshops.

Program Development: Products and Services

The Pace SBDC is participating in an SBA initiative in Washington Heights organized by the SBA Marketing Specialist in the NYC District Office. The initiative features SBDC services provided on-site at the Northern Manhattan Coalition for Economic Development on a regular basis. Business Advisors from the Pace SBDC and the Baruch SBDC will provide counseling in Spanish for the predominantly Dominican community living in Washington Heights.

The SBDC at Onondaga Community College is now offering business advisement during the evening. A Business Advisor is available from 4:30 pm-8 pm each evening to meet with clients, either at the college or at a place more convenient for the client, for example, the Chamber of Commerce or the South Side Innovation Center.

In Fall 2006, the Child Council of Suffolk approached a SBDC Farmingdale Business Advisor to create a Spanish language Business Basics workshop for child care providers, both home-based and center based. The Advisor will research, write and present this workshop to members of the Child Care Council and the providers themselves. There will be one “Train the Trainer” workshop conducted for bilingual members of the Child Care Council of Suffolk staff in order to ensure future ability to perform the workshop. Additionally, there will be two workshops conducted for Spanish speaking providers, one out of the Council’s headquarters in Commack and the other at the east end outreach center in Riverhead. These will be given during the evening hours to facilitate the greatest number of participants.

Professional Development & Staff Retention

In March 2006, Jamestown SBDC staff attended a lecture on Successful Tourism by Robert A. Brooks, author of “The 25 Immutable Rules of Successful Tourism” sponsored by the Chautauqua County Visitors’ Bureau (CCVB). The lecture was attended by all of the economic development agencies and groups in the county as well as several tourism-related businesses and service providers. The SBDC obtained a great deal of information that will be useful for advising small businesses that want to tap into this industry.

Sponsors, Host Institutions, Partners and Alliances

The Director of the Onondaga SBDC and Onondaga Community College’s Associate Vice President of Corporate and Extended Learning participated in an NYS Assembly Roundtable. The November 20 th roundtable was coordinated by Joan Christensen, Chair of the Assembly Commission on Skills Development and Career Education.  The topic was the role of state programs for micro-business assistance in developing the upstate economy.


In November, the DETA Advisors from Farmingdale and Stony Brook attended the Pennsylvania Business Technology Conference presented by the Pennsylvania SBDC at Dusquesne University. Topics of the breakout sessions included enterprise business processes, business intelligence, e-marketing, IT management, mobile wireless technologies and network security. Several vendors demonstrated their technologies at the vendor showcase. The keynote speaker for the event was Pennsylvania congressman Michael Doyle.

Special Projects

The State Director of the NYS SBDC and the State Directors from PA and OH organized an educational conference for their statewide DETA Advisors. New York was represented by the State Director and DETA Advisors from Binghamton, Albany, Farmingdale, and Stony Brook. The participants discussed and reviewed best practices; regionalized special areas of expertise; developing processes for advisor relationships between state programs; and the next steps and direction of the DETA program.

 The Onondaga SBDC collaborated with the Syracuse University Whitman School of Business in the class project of the Capstone course, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Management. Twenty teams of 5 students each met with one of the SBDC Business Advisors, who provided feedback on the business plans the teams were developing. Feedback from the business advisors, faculty and the over 100 students was very positive, and this has now been worked into the team process for the spring semester.


All SBDC directors and advisors across the state were asked to consider volunteering their time to provide counseling assistance to small business owners affected by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Several individuals from across the state responded. Two representatives of the Mohawk Valley SBDC were selected, based on prior experience with disaster assistance. Their work in New Orleans lasted two weeks, and during this time they assisted small business owners at the FEMA/SBA Disaster Center in Metairie, LA, a suburb of New Orleans. The two Business Advisors provided in-depth advisement to more than 30 clients during their stay. The clients counseled represented the extremes encountered after such a disaster, from desperate victims with hopeless situations to promising business start-ups with terrific prospects for success.

Do You Have a Comment About the SPD Gazette?

Is there a topic you would like to see in the Gazette? Send your comments to mary.hoffman@nysbdc.org.

About the Gazette

The SPD Gazette is a brief newsletter distributed via email and posted on the Internal Web Site. It will feature a column to be titled, What’s New This Week, in which the network will share best practices in strategic objectives. A series of articles in the Gazette will explain the program’s statewide approach to strategic objectives in six key areas:

Professional Development and Certification
Program Development: Products and Services
Special Projects
Strategic Partners and Alliances
Technology, Information and Communication

For more information or answers to your questions, call Tom Morley at 914-375-2107or email him at SPD@Mercy.edu

Send your report forms to SPD@mercy.edu

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