SPD Gazette
Week of Jan. 28, 2007 / Issue 20


Let’s use this issue as a brief refresher on the Strategic Plan, the Gazette, and preparing for the Accreditation Review.

SPD = Strategic Plan Deployment

Deployment means implementation or putting into use. Strategic Plan Deployment is putting the Strategic Plan into use, or taking action to achieve our objectives.

How is the SBDC deploying its strategic plan? Here are a few ways in which we are implementing our plan:

  1. By distributing copies of the 2005-2008 strategic planning documents to everyone in the network.
  2. By discussion strategic plan issues and objectives at regional staff meetings.
  3. By making strategic planning and other key documents available on the Internal Web Site in the “File Cabinet,” and in other shared places.
  4. By distilling the concepts in the full strategic planning document into a brief summary. 5) By engaging the network in sharing information about activities through the SPD Gazette.

The SPD Gazette was developed to share information about the strategic planning process with the network, stimulate discussion about strategic objectives, and provide a forum to share information about activities throughout the network. The activities described in the “What’s New This Week” section of the Gazette illustrate your activities in the context of the strategic objectives. The Gazette should help you understand how what you do every day helps the SBDC achieve its objectives.

You may have noticed that in selected Gazette issues we provide links to key program documents, for example, the mission and vision statements, customer service principles, SBDC standards of conduct, and so on. This is one way to be sure that we’re all working toward the same objectives.

How does any of this relate to the Accreditation Review in June? If you read the Gazette each week, discuss issues in staff meetings, and regularly submit information for the Gazette, you will know all you need to know to answer the questions of the Review Team. Hopefully, the Gazette will also help you recognize the language the Review Team might use in their questions.

Any questions??


The headings in this section represent the strategic objectives outlined in Strategic Planning Summary. The Summary is a brief version of the full Strategic Planning document. It was developed to the help align our individual daily work and planning decisions with the strategies, needs and objectives of the program on a local and statewide level. Each of the focus areas listed in this section demonstrate activities relating to SBDC’s key objectives and are the basis of the metrics by which our Strategic Plan implementation is measured and assessed.


The LaGuardia SBDC plans to host and organize three seminars prior to the NYC World Trade Week in May. The three seminars will be presented over the course of three months beginning at the end of February. They will focus on "Getting Started: What Government and Educational Organizations Can Do For Your Business"; "Identifying the Markets for Your Business and Importance of Inter-Cultural Awareness"; and "Financing/Insurance Resources for Your Global Outreach". The seminars were developed and organized in partnership with the International Resource Center at the Queens Flushing Public Library and the US Export Assistance Center.

The Watertown SBDC outreach in Oswego is co-located with SUNY Oswego’s Center for Entrepreneurs (CFE), part of the campus’ Center for Business and Community Development (CBCD). At the CFE, SBDC clients can utilize computers to access the databases maintained by SUNY Oswego’s Penfield Library, including ABI/INFORM Global, Business Source Premier, and LEXIS/NEXIS. There are also more than 600 books, tapes, DVDs, and reference material on business subjects that SBDC clients can borrow. The CFE is staffed by interns employed by the CBCD.

The Binghamton SBDC has formed an alliance with Binghamton University in response to an NYSTAR initiative to coordinate regional economic development activities. The SBDC provided a letter of intent for the University’s proposal for regional funding for the project.


In November 2006, the Southern Tier, including the greater Binghamton area, experienced exceptionally heavy rainfall, which caused additional damage to areas impacted by spectacular flooding in late June. The SBDC once again is supporting the SBA disaster loan team, which continues to work in space provided by the SBDC.


In January, Willa Smith, Business Advisor from the Stony Brook SBDC, attended Hauppauge Industrial Association (HIA) event that featured a presentation and discussion on Long Island's "Bi-County Economic Development Initiatives." Featured speakers were James Morgo, the Suffolk County Commissioner for Economic Development and Workforce Housing, and Patrick Duggan, the Deputy County Executive for Nassau County. The speakers discussed the future of economic development programs targeted for Long Island's future, emphasizing a focus on downtown revitalization to assist small businesses, and affordable housing for the younger population and the senior community.

The Watertown SBDC routinely places a display in local banks. The display is primarily used for business fairs or expos, but when it is not at one of those events, the Center contacts local branch managers - of banks that do commercial funding in the tri-county area (Jefferson-Lewis-Oswego) - to request that it be set up in the bank lobby. The display is rotated on a monthly basis, moving from township to township. The region is a high tourism area and the display is placed according to the area that has the highest traffic. For example, Northern Jefferson County is busiest in the summer and Lewis County is busiest in the winter. There are 8 banks in the region with many branches so there are numerous places in the rotation. The Center has received many referrals as a result of bank lobby placement, and SBDC clients have also benefited from the display. It is something that is good for both the SBDC and our clients.

In January, the LaGuardia SBDC staffed a booth at the “Meet your International Business Partners” exposition organized by the Weissman Center for International Business, the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College, the US Department of Commerce, NEXCO and the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce. The event was attended by New York importers and exporters. Among the exhibitors were bilateral chambers of commerce, trade associations, US international trade promotion programs and international government trade bureaus.

In January, Angel Roman, the Boricua College SBDC Director participated in a Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce networking event at the Atlantic Center. The event was attended by Chamber members, SBDC clients and various workshop presenters.


The newest LaGuardia SBDC Business Advisor registered for a two-day small business finance class to be held in March at NYU’s Continuing Education and Professional Studies Program. He joined the staff of the Center in December 2006.

Two counselors from the LaGuardia SBDC registered to attend a half-day workshop on “The High Cost of Selling on Price” given by the Sales Strategy Corporation and contributing writer for the NY Enterprise Report. The focus of the workshop is to help business owners learn how to respect and represent the ‘values’ of their products and services - and not the price - when marketing their business and negotiating contracts. Information gained from the seminar will enhance the LaGuardia SBDC’s ability to advise clients and develop workshops on a range of small business marketing issues.


The Watertown SBDC provides CCR Assistance. The Central Contractor Registration (CCR) is a database of basic business information for contractors that want to do business with the US Department of Defense (DoD). It is the only way anyone wanting to do work with the government can get registered. The Center helps clients through the lengthy process of registration by sitting down with them, one-to-one at the computer, and walking them through the steps. The Center also has an annual “Selling to Government” workshop every spring. The spring seminar generates 80 to 100 registrants. Among the speakers are representatives from Ft. Drum, the US SBA, PTAC and several Prime contractors looking for local subcontractors in the area. Other speakers include representatives from the GSA, US Department of Labor, and local banks. The Center has had great success in reaching out to businesses through the spring seminar, and it also is valuable in matching prime and sub contractors...

Thirty women attended a recent Women Business Owners Roundtable sponsored by the Binghamton SBDC. Keynote speaker May Ann Thompson presented a talk called “Are You Focused for Business Success?” The presentation was well received, as evidenced by the excellent reviews submitted by attendees at the conclusion of the event.

The Watertown SBDC has a successful one-day workshop for restaurant owners - Menus, Money and More - that is aimed at increasing the profitability of restaurants. The Center engaged a large food distributor that presents information on menu analysis, as well as training videos on customer service and “upselling” - encouraging customers to order additional items. A representative from the Health Department talks about new regulations and reviews the basics of a routine Health Department inspection. The workshop also includes panel discussions with experienced and successful restauranteurs in the community. SBDC Business Advisors discuss tips for improving inventory control, customer service and recordkeeping.


Thanks for the comments you're shared with us:

  • Bold and to the point I like it I give it a TEN !! Keep them coming.
  • This is great.
  • It's really easy to read!
  • Please include the names of individuals in the What’s New write-ups.
  • You are doing a great job with the Gazette! Thanks
  • Just wanted to say what a lovely job you did with this.
  • Short, sweet and to the point! I like it.

Previous SPD Gazette Issues:



The SPD Gazette is a brief newsletter distributed via email and posted on the Internal Web Site. It will feature a column to be titled, What’s New This Week, in which the network will share best practices in strategic objectives. A series of articles in the Gazette will explain the program’s statewide approach to strategic objectives in six key areas:

• Marketing
• Professional Development and Certification
• Program Development: Products and Services
• Special Projects
• Strategic Partners and Alliances
• Technology, Information and Communication

For more information or answers to your questions, call Tom Morley at 914-375-2107or email him at SPD@Mercy.edu Send your report forms to SPD@Mercy.edu

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