Diane Mbombo Tite, an immigrant, founded Akula Interpreting and Translation LLC in 2020 to provide language services in French, Swahili, Lingala, and Ciluba. With help from SBDC advisor Matt Hosek, she became a state certified business in 2023 and received a grant from the NY State Seed Funding Program. Diane also completed the SEED entrepreneur training program, enhancing her business skills. Akula Interpreting now helps immigrants access essential services, contributing to their successful integration into U.S. society.
Assistance Provided
SBDC Advisor:
Matt Hosek
Diane Mbombo Tite, an immigrant to the United States, recognized the critical need for language services to help others navigate legal systems and access essential services. After years as a freelance interpreter, she founded Akula Interpreting and Translation LLC in 2020, specializing in French, Swahili, Lingala, and Ciluba translation services.
In fall 2022, Diane met SBDC advisor Matt Hosek at a Chamber of Commerce boot camp. With his guidance, she applied for and became a state certified business in 2023. Additionally, she received a grant from the New York State Seed Funding Grant Program to help her business recover from the pandemic.
Diane completed the SEED entrepreneur training program in the fall of 2023, an 11-week boot camp designed to enhance business skills in marketing, competition, and budgeting. Through these efforts, Diane is poised to scale her business, ensuring that more immigrants can access vital translation services to thrive in their new country.
** Our success stories focus on the work the SBDC has done with our small business clients and does not constitute an expressed or implied endorsement by the NYSBDC of the company and/or their products and services.

“The Albany SBDC Office has been instrumental in helping me develop my business plan by providing market research, helping me with my business plan, capability statement, and submitting my application for state certification. The team he is a part of has years of experience and he was able to consult different members of the team to get the best answers for things along the way. I highly recommend using them with your New York business, there is no cost, and the expertise and professionalism are superb. Reaching out the SUNY business teams has been one of the best decisions I have made for my agency yet. Matt was very responsive and accommodating to the busy schedule of a small business. This has been one of my company’s 2023 blessings.”
Diane Mbombo Tite
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